The Washington Post ran an article on treatment of ADHD. They discuss several alternatives including medications and their limitations. Interestingly enough, one of the illustrations they use to show how medications seem to work in the ADHD brain, actually makes the case for why neurofeedback is such a great way to treat ADD/ADHD. They show which areas of the brain seem to be involved in regulating ADHD and how they interact. Neurofeedback is premised on teaching these various areas of the brain to function appropriately. Othmer method neurofeedback also works on strengthening the communication tracts between these brain centers. Neurofeedback does not discriminate between neurotranmitter and receptor sites–it trains all. Medicines can also have unintended effects in the brain, like sleep and appetite disturbances. These side effects are virtually non-existent in neurofeedback.
I am happy that the article discuss behavioral therapy as a part of ADD/ADHD treatment. Learning to focus, organize, and see tasks to completion takes practice. Parents, teachers, and therapists need to make behavioral expectations clear and then guide the person with problems through the learning process. It is a lot of work, but the rewards can be remarkable.